Reading Groups & Workshops
Other events and groups in philosophy:
- Kant Reading Group: Meets weekly. Just finished working through second critique; working through Metaphysics of Morals now. Contact: Professor Herman or Jürgen Lipps
- Aristotle Reading Group: Meets weekly. Working through Nichomachean ethics. Contact: Professor Lawrence or Jung Suk Lee.
- Descartes Reading Group: Meets weekly. Working through Meditations. Contact: Professor Carriero or Youle Guo.
- Women in Philosophy Group: Social group with a remote working component and workshop series. Contact: Alex Pelaez.
- Brownbag Series: three times quarterly, work by department members presented in hour long format over lunch (30 min for presentation, 30 min for Q&A). Contact: Professor Khalifa
- Ethics Workshop: Graduate students who have completed the Proposition and who are working in ethics and value theory (very broadly construed) present their work in progress. Also open to post-docs and visiting faculty. Contact: Professor Hieronymi.
- Philosophy of Language Reading Group: Variable topics. Contact: James Xinyu Gu.
- MAP: This quarter reading Black philosophers in various areas (Alisa Bierria, Kristie Dotson), turning next quarter to some non-western philosophy. There’s a talk on April 19 on Police and Abolition (zoom option available). Contact: Courtney Minor.
- Albritton Society:
- UCLA-USC Conference:
- History, Philosophy, and Science of Science Workshop Series: Talks by philosophers of science in Southern California and passing through. Organized by Professors Khalifa, Roush, Scerri (chemistry), and Teplow (neurology). Recent speakers: Jim Woodward, Lauren Ross, Thomas Pradeu, Judea Pearl, Sander Greenland, and Craig Callender.
- Corrupt the Youth – LA Chapter:
- Law & Philosophy Program:
Other workshops, colloquia that philosophers attend or are involved in:
- Legal Theory Workshop:
- Linguistics Colloquium:
- Logic Colloquium:
- Linguistics Syn-Sem Seminar: Workshop on current work in syntax and semantics and related areas in linguistics. Wednesdays 12-1:30 in Campbell 2122. Contact: Professor Rett (linguistics).