Departmental Honors

Honors Program


To be admitted to the honors program, students must have taken at least three upper division philosophy lecture or seminar courses (not including 100A, 100B, or 100C) at UCLA with an overall grade-point average of 3.7.


To be awarded honors in philosophy at graduation, Philosophy majors must (1) have a 3.7 grade-point average in UCLA philosophy courses and a 3.7 GPA in upper division UCLA philosophy courses; (2) satisfy the honors directed study requirement by taking Philosophy 198A and/or 198B in conjunction (usually, but not necessarily concurrently) with two different regular upper division philosophy courses supervised by the instructors of those courses; and (3) receive a grade of A- or better in each course applied toward satisfaction of the honors requirement.

Students may substitute either Philosophy 191 or a Philosophy graduate course for either course 198A or 198B. Students may also substitute, for either 198A or 198B, up to one 4-unit Philosophy 199 course in which they produce a substantial paper that represents an original piece of research or its equivalent.

If approved and all requirements have been satisfied upon graduation, a notation of departmental honors will be noted on your transcript.


Application forms are available as an interactive PDF here. Your completed application may be submitted to Dodd 300D or via email to

Please allow for 2–4 weeks for confirmation of your admission to the honors program via email.

For questions about departmental honors, contact Doug Myers, Staff Undergraduate Adviser, at or (310) 206-1356.