The department wants to acknowledge and express its appreciation and gratitude for the tremendous effort which its Teaching Assistants and Section Leaders have devoted to operating courses online during this very difficult quarter. It has been immensely challenging, but you have all risen to the occasion magnificently. It is an achievement to be proud of. The department is most grateful to you all.
And so, many thanks to:
- John Abughattas
- Saraliza Anzaldua
- Sarah Beach
- Ian Boon
- Tim Buchanan
- Tristen Cardwell
- Christopher Cross
- Christian De Leon
- Jenna Donohue
- Andrew Flynn
- Sevcan Gugumcu
- Carlos Gutierrez
- Catherine Hochman
- Andrew Jewell
- Lilian Jin
- Kim Johnston
- Amber Kavka-Warren
- Jung Suk Lee
- Piera Maurizio
- Torsten Odland
- Ally Peabody
- David Pederson
- Sam Pensler
- Nefeli Ralli
- Melissa Retkwa
- Sean Richardson
- Ayana Samuel
- Kyle Scott
- Sahiba Sindhu
- Isabel Xu
- Ekin Zeytinoglu
- Waner Zhang