Application Materials


No. However, there is a suggested* maximum of 20 pages.

*If you have a writing sample of 20+, we will not automatically disregard your application. However, please keep in mind that 20 or fewer is highly recommended (out of consideration for our admissions reviewers).

We keep materials for up to 3 years, but if you are applying again, please send your materials again. The exception is official GRE scores, which we will still have on file if they are not expired.

Prospective international students must send official transcripts in order to be admitted. Individuals residing permanently in the United States may opt initially only to upload unofficial transcripts to the application portal, but if admitted, will need to provide official copies before starting in the Fall.

If you are a prospective international student, please send the transcripts you currently have. Individuals residing permanently in the United States who have not yet completed their undergraduate degree may wait for an admissions decision before submitting official transcripts. Unofficial in-progress transcripts must be uploaded to the online application regardless.

Yes. Graduate Division policy states, “Unless academic records and diplomas are issued in English by the institutions, the official records in the original language must be submitted with authorized, complete and exact English translations.”

Use your discretion. If it pertains to your study of Philosophy, then yes. Community College transcripts, if you are an undergraduate transfer student, must be included since it pertains to your degree work.

As long as the letters are received within a reasonable time period (within two weeks of the application deadline), we will accept them without penalty to the applicant.

If you are experiencing a technical problem, please contact the application support team at OnlineAppHelp@grad.ucla.edu or (310) 206-3411.


The Program


Until recently, given the constraints on funding to public universities, the UCLA Department of Philosophy has been constrained in the funding we could offer to graduate students who were not citizens or permanent residents of the US. Thanks to a new funding commitment made to our department, we can now do better. In keeping with our efforts to build a diverse community and link its discussions with a global conversation, the UCLA department intends to guarantee a minimum of six years of tuition and support at a highly competitive level to every incoming PhD student, irrespective of citizenship and residency status.

For questions about what life is like after admission, please feel free to browse through the Current Students portion of this website.

We strongly encourage you to apply for extramural funding as this may often add to your funding package. The department also strives to offer competitive funding packages to each of our admitted students, both international and domestic. Please see here for more information.

Unfortunately, not at this time. We are presently dedicated to serving our current students. While you are free to visit campus on your own time, we do not provide individual counseling sessions or tours for applicants. However, we do invite our admitted students to visit our campus (normally in late March and/or early April) and meet with faculty and graduate students at that time. For specific questions that are not addressed here, you may also email us at philcounselor@humnet.ucla.edu.